Knowledge Base

Categories (15)

Accounts, Access, & Storage

Here you can find articles related to your network account, accessing campus resources, and file storage.

Email & Calendar

Here you can find articles related to your Penn College email and calendar account.

Enterprise Applications

Here you can find articles related to many of the Enterprise Applications used at Penn College.

Event Support

Penn College uses Virtual EMS (vEMS) for event management. A user guide for vEMS is coming soon ™

General Items

We've put items that don't fit neatly into one of the other categories here. We've also provided a link for you to ask a question if you can't find your answer elsewhere.

Network & Wireless

Here you can find articles related to the College's wired and wireless networks.

Penn College Partners

Public category for third-party partners to access information

Personal Computing and Classroom Technology

Information pertaining to computers and software.


Here you can find articles related to Information and Data security, and physical security.

Telephone, Voicemail, & Fax

Here you can find articles related to phones, voicemail, and fax services.

Administrative Services

*Anthology FHP
*Anthology Reach
*Anthology Student
*Financial operations
*Microsoft Dynamix365

Teaching and Learning

Information, how-to's, and resources on the learning management system, web conferencing, personal response systems, assessment software, video capture, and more.

Madigan Library

Articles concerning Madigan Library services.

New Student Information

Repository for new student onboarding, informational documentation, and general introductory procedures.

Internal Department Documentation

Category for non-public departmental documentation
*Financial Operations

Articles (8)

Can't View Portal Using Edge

This article will assist in fixing the issue with the portal page and the newest update to edge

Change and Convert Default File Format in iOS 11 or Later

This article aims to assist in converting HEIC files on iOS devices to jpg to assist with file submissions or sharing of files.

Fix Stuck COVID-19 Wallpaper

Brief overview of the process to fix the stuck COVID-19 wallpaper issue, with screen snips.

Microsoft Project Pro (Lab Install)

Instructions for installing Microsoft Project Pro via KACE scripts.

Resource Guide - LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is the educational counterpart to the professional social networking site, LinkedIn. As a Microsoft company, LinkedIn is committed to providing high-quality content that is accessible by anyone, anywhere, and on any standard device. Topics in LinkedIn Learning are categorized by business, creative, and technology and further divided by subject, software, and learning paths.  Once a user has searched for a topic, he/she can then filter the results by type of content, knowledge l