New Student Information

Repository for new student onboarding, informational documentation, and general introductory procedures.

Categories (2)

Printing and Duplicating

Information regarding printers


Articles in this category detail how to connect your personal devices to the PCT and PCT-IoT wireless networks.

Articles (5)

Accessing Your Email

Links to the most popular ways users access their email.

Combined MFA and SSPR

Microsoft has combined the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) and Multi-Factor Authentication registration process. This provides one spot for changing security information.

Practice Math Placement Exam Access

Students planning on attending Penn College are required to take a math placement exam. To prepare, the college has created a sample exam for students to work through on their own time prior to their scheduled test. This article covers the steps for creating a placement testing account and accessing PLATO, our learning management site.

Setting up PCT Alerts

PCT Alerts is Penn College's emergency alert system. You can set up this service to receive an email, text message, or phone call when an emergency announcement is made by clicking the PCT Alerts/Omnialert link in the SIS. Closures due to inclement weather are also announced with this service.

Which Computer Should I Buy?

A new computer is a common purchase for students entering college. This article will provide guidance for anyone looking to purchase a new computer.