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Gradebook items that are associated with a dropbox, quiz, or discussion cannot be deleted from the grade book until the instructor has "unassociated" the assignment from the grade book.
Upload video content to Kaltura using a mobile device.
Video files including .mp4, .mov, .avi, and .wmv can be uploaded to Kaltura within P.L.A.T.O. Students are then able to share these videos within courses via dropboxes and discussion boards.
Kaltura Capture is a quick and easy way to record and narrate anything on your screen and/or webcam. The final video can then be uploaded and published to your My Media (Kaltura) content within P.L.A.T.O.
Students are able post videos from their My Media (Kaltura) library to dropboxes and discussion boards within P.L.A.T.O. courses.