Create a LinkedIn Profile

Tags LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a professional social network, so it is extremely important for you to have a complete and accurate profile. Just follow the steps to highlight your skills, education, and experience, and remember to update it regularly.


  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn website at
  2. Select the "Join Now" button, as shown in the screen capture below.
  3. Enter the required information into the appropriate text entry fields and use your PCT email address as your username.
  4. Use the Wizard to guide you in adding appropriate information about you to each section of your profile. Move the sections around to highlight your current professional status. Once your profile is complete you can begin to add connections, join groups, and follow people, and pages. 
  5. Ask a trusted professional to review your profile.
  6. Update your profile often.

LinkedIn Welcome Screen


Rock Your LinkedIn Profile (LinkedIn Learning course, 57 min.)

LinkedIn Building a Great Student Profile (PDF)

20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020 (LinkedIn Blog)

21+ Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips For Job-Seekers (Career Blog)

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Article ID: 75766
Wed 4/10/19 9:50 AM
Tue 8/17/21 11:03 AM

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