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Jobs Offers can be searched on LinkedIn by using the top bar.
LinkedIn Learning is the educational counterpart to the professional social networking site, LinkedIn. As a Microsoft company, LinkedIn is committed to providing high-quality content that is accessible by anyone, anywhere, and on any standard device. Topics in LinkedIn Learning are categorized by business, creative, and technology and further divided by subject, software, and learning paths.  Once a user has searched for a topic, he/she can then filter the results by type of content, knowledge l
You can access LinkedIn Learning by using the navigation bar in LinkedIn.
You can return to your LinkedIn Profile from LinkedIn Learning.
Accomplishments and skills obtained from taking a course in LinkedIn Learning can be shared and added to your LinkedIn Profile.
Your LinkedIn connections can be viewed by using the top bar.
LinkedIn messages can be viewed by using the top navigation bar.
LinkedIn is a professional social network, so it is extremely important for you to have a complete and accurate profile. Just follow the steps to highlight your skills, education, and experience, and remember to update it regularly.
Penn College faculty can create collections of courses or videos related to a specific course or major in LinkedIn Learning, and then share the collection with their students.