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With an instructor's permission, you can view questions answered incorrectly, as well as individual question feedback.
By default, students can only see their attempt score upon completion of a quiz or exam. Follow the steps below if you would like them to be able to view details of their individual responses. You can customize this view to limit the duration to a few minutes following submission or allow them to review their results indefinitely.
Grant special access to a quiz can be granted to students.
Microsoft Forms are available to you through your Office 365 subscription. With Forms, you can easily create a survey or quiz and see results in real-time.
Add Kaltura videos from My Media to P.L.A.T.O. quiz questions.
Gradebook items that are associated with a dropbox, quiz, or discussion cannot be deleted from the grade book until the instructor has "unassociated" the assignment from the grade book.
Quiz grades may not show in the course gradebook if the correct options have not been chosen in the Quiz settings or if these options were chosen after students completed the quiz.