Step 1: Please connect the device you want to register to the “PCT-IOT” or "PCT-2.4ghz" wireless network using the password “wildcats”.
Step 2: Locate your devices MAC address.
Step 3: On a separate device that is already connected the PCT network, like a Laptop or Phone, Go to the PCT My Devices Portal. Use your Pennsylvania College of Technology Username and Password to Sign On. 
Step 4: After logging into PCT My Devices Portal you will be able to register devices for PCT-IOT access using the “Add” button.
Step 5: Please enter your Device Name using your name and type of device, so you can keep track of the devices you have registered easily. Next enter the Device ID, which is commonly called the MAC or WiFi address using colon's every 2nd character. For the Description you might want to put in your device room location or any other description, this field is not required.

Step 6: After hitting Submit, if you wait a few seconds and hit Refresh you should see your device show up below with the word Pending. You have now completed Registration of your Device and you can connect that device to PCT-IOT using the password wildcats.
If you have more IOT devices to register you can currently enter up to 10 devices.
*A reminder, PCT-IOT is not for connecting your cell phones, laptops, or any other wireless device that is capable of using a username/password to authenticate, those devices all need use PCT or PCT-New SSID's.