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How to recall an email message using Outlook 2013 or 2016 for windows
This article describes the process for an employee to update their information in the Employee Directory.  This includes the phone extension shown on their Outlook and Teams Chat contact card.
The Outlook app is the preferred method of receiving your PCT email on an Android device. Simply install the app and log in with your network account to access your email.
Links to the most popular ways users access their email.
This KB is to assist in making an e-mail rule that triggers on only external messages. it is not a complete process just information on creating a single condition.
Outlook provides the ability to send from email addresses other than your own, pending that you were granted permission by a systems administrator.
After installing Microsoft Office, you can set up Microsoft Outlook to access your PCT e-mail account. Outlook is a robust, full-featured email client.
This article details the steps necessary to automatically change text entries in the Microsoft Outlook application from "PLATO" to "P.L.A.T.O."