Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)

Have you ever come back from break or vacation and forgot your password? Have you ever needed to send an email or submit an assignment late at night, forgotten your password and were unable to reach the help desk until morning?

Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) is designed to reduce frustration related to forgotten passwords and locked accounts. This feature enables you to reset your password or unlock your account at any time with added security.

Registering for SSPR

Before you can reset your password or unlock your account without assistance, you will need to register for the SSPR service.

Note:  When registering for SSPR, you are also registering for MFA (Multi-factor Authentication) as an added layer of security.

To register, follow these steps:

  1. Visit from a computer or laptop.
  2. Login with your full Penn College email address.
  3. You will be required to configure two authentication methods. 
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish setting up your authentication methods.

Need a little extra assistance? Contact the Information Technology Service Desk for more information.

* Your privacy matters. Your alternate contact methods are not visible to other faculty, staff or students and will only be used to initiate account actions upon your request.

Updating SSPR

After you have registered for SSPR, you may update your identification methods any time by visiting the setup utility at again.

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Article ID: 132861
Thu 4/29/21 4:16 PM
Mon 5/3/21 7:49 AM

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Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security when logging into Penn College services and applications. In addition to your username and password, you also have to provide an alternate method of authentication.
Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) is designed to reduce frustration related to forgotten passwords and locked accounts. This feature enables users to reset their password or unlock their account at any time using alternate identification methods.