Create Seating Charts for Merged Sections


Seating charts can be created to track attendance and participation in a merged P.L.A.T.O. course site once a group has been created for each section.


  1. Log in to the merged P.L.A.T.O. course site and navigate to the Manage Tab.
  2. Select Seating Charts from the Learner Management category.
  3. Select the "Create a Chart" button.
  4. Name the chart according to the section
  5. Verify that the location is correct
  6. From the "Attendees" drop down menu, select the appropriate section.
  7. Select the "Save" button to continue.
  8. Assign students to a seat by dragging them from the Unassigned Students at the bottom of your screen or choose from one of the "Assign All" options button located at the lower right side of your screen.
  9. Once all students have been assigned, select the "Lock" button found in the top left of your screen.  You are now ready to use the chart with calendar events.
  10. Navigate to the Calendar and create a recurring event for the section. You are now ready to open the day's calendar event and record attendance and participation.


Create Groups in a Merged P.L.A.T.O. Course Site (Knowledge Base Article)

Creating P.L.A.T.O. Seating Charts (Knowledge Base Article)

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Article ID: 113657
Wed 8/12/20 10:46 AM
Mon 8/17/20 9:40 AM

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Groups can be created in a merged P.L.A.T.O. course site based on section enrollment. If a student switches to a different section within the merged site, the instructor will have to manually update the group enrollment.
P.L.A.T.O. seating charts integrate with locations and the course calendar to help instructors track attendance, participation and performance in face-to-face classes.  The seating chart is a visual representation of your physical classroom seating arrangement and must be added before integrating it with the calendar.
A quick way to take attendance with the Seating Chart is to first mark All Students Present for the current class.  Then change the one or two who are not present to Absent, where you can choose "Unexcused Absence" or "Excused Absence".