Change the Default PDF Viewer

Step 1

Click on the Start Menu and select the settings icon.

Image shows the Window's Start Menu open and the cursor over the Settings icon

Step 2

Click on the ‘Apps’ menu icon.

Image shows the Settings menu open and the cursor hovered over the 'Apps' menu option

Step 3

On the left-hand side, select the ‘Default apps’ menu.

Image shows the 'Apps' menu open and the cursor over the 'Default apps' menu

Step 4

Scroll down to the bottom of that page and select the ‘Choose default apps by file type option.’

Image shows the Default apps menu scrolled down to select the 'Choose default apps by file type'

Step 5

Scroll down until you find the .pdf file type.

Image showes the .pdf file extension with the current default application

Step 6

Then click on the icon to the right of the file extension and choose ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’. If Adobe Acrobat is not an option, Google Chrome would be a sufficient alternative.

Image shows the icon and options after the current default application icon has been clicked

Step 7

If Microsoft’s Edge is the current default app, you will be prompted with a window titled ‘Before you switch.’ Select the ‘Switch anyway’ option.

Image shows a prompt that displays if Micosoft's Edge is the current default application

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