Step 1
Click on the Start Menu and select the settings icon.
![Image shows the Window's Start Menu open and the cursor over the Settings icon](
Step 2
Click on the ‘Apps’ menu icon.
![Image shows the Settings menu open and the cursor hovered over the 'Apps' menu option](
Step 3
On the left-hand side, select the ‘Default apps’ menu.
![Image shows the 'Apps' menu open and the cursor over the 'Default apps' menu](
Step 4
Scroll down to the bottom of that page and select the ‘Choose default apps by file type option.’
![Image shows the Default apps menu scrolled down to select the 'Choose default apps by file type'](
Step 5
Scroll down until you find the .pdf file type.
![Image showes the .pdf file extension with the current default application](
Step 6
Then click on the icon to the right of the file extension and choose ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’. If Adobe Acrobat is not an option, Google Chrome would be a sufficient alternative.
![Image shows the icon and options after the current default application icon has been clicked](
Step 7
If Microsoft’s Edge is the current default app, you will be prompted with a window titled ‘Before you switch.’ Select the ‘Switch anyway’ option.
![Image shows a prompt that displays if Micosoft's Edge is the current default application](