StudyMate Campus: Create a New Project


A project could include facts, definitions and/or questions for a chapter, unit or exam. These items can be added through three methods.

  • Individual items require the user to enter the required information for each fact, definition or question.
  • Multiple items can be imported as a group through standard copy/paste commands as long as specfic formatting is followed.
  • A URL shared by another instructor.

An example of the formatting requirements such as spacing and numbering is provided with each type of input. 


Step 1.

Select the "Create New Project" button and then enter information, such as the name and description.  Optional choices include folder, template style, language and content order. Folders are containers for related projects. Style is an asthetic choice.The default options are "Template 1", "English", "Random order". The user's First and Last Name is chosen as the "Publish Name".

Create New Project Dialog Box

Step 2.

Select the "Save" button to continue and begin to add activity items to the new project.