Scheduling Email Reminders for a Survey in Qualtrics

Tags Qualtrics


Qualtrics allows the user to send an email reminder to all survey participants that have not finished the survey when the survey was distributed by email. You cannot set up a reminder if you sent your survey using an anonymous link. 


Step 1. 

From the selected survey for which the reminder is being sent, select the “Distributions” button towards the top of the project.

Image highlighting the Distributions Tab

Step 2.

Expand the block by clicking on the plus sign in the top left corner and select Schedule Reminder.

Image highlighting the Schedule Reminder button

Step 3.

A customized message can be created to send to the participants.

Image highlighting the message box of the new reminder email popup

Step 4.

Using the dropdown menu by the “When:” category, the reminder can be scheduled to be sent out at a later time if it is not needed to be sent immediately.

Image showing the possible options in the When: dropdown box

If the “Custom…” option is selected, two text boxes will appear to allow an exact date and time for the reminder to be sent out.

Image showing the new options if Custom... is chosen in the When: dropdown menu

Step 5.

After the message and the time have been specified, select the “Send” button to send, or to schedule the sending of, the reminder email.

Image highlighting the option Send button

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Article ID: 71127
Wed 1/30/19 8:57 AM
Wed 6/14/23 10:02 AM