Changing Color or Duplex Options for on Campus Printers


To change your color or duplex options for an on campus printer, open printer properties from your application and select the appropriate setting.

Please note that not all devices support duplex or color printing.


Step 1. 

Open Printer Properties. The location of this button will vary depending on the application. The example below shows the location of the Print Properties button in both Microsoft Word and the default Windows Print Dialog.

Image of the Microsoft Word print settings.Image of the Windows default print dialog box.

Step 2.

Locate the appropriate color or duplex setting and adjust as desired. Depending on the printer being used, the Printer Properties dialog you are shown will vary. Our examples show the properties for both Sharp and Kyocera printers.

Image of a Sharp printer settings page which highlights where the color options are.Image of a Sharp printer settings page which highlights where the duplex options are.

Image of a Kyocera printer settings page which highlights where the color and duplex options are.


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Article ID: 68953
Thu 12/13/18 3:42 PM
Mon 10/14/24 12:02 AM