Change and Convert Default File Format in iOS 11 or Later

Tags iOS heic

How to View HEIC Files in Windows 10’s Photos App

There are currently two ways to view HEIC/HEIF files on Windows 10.
1) Download The HEVC Video Extensions, there is a $0.99 charge for the extension Click HEVC Extensions to get the extension from the Microsoft Store.


2) Have the user who sent the HEIC/HEIF file to change their file format and resend

Changing the default file format of the camera

Step 1.  Go to settings

iOS home page with the settings app highlighted

Step 2. Scroll down to camera and select it

The settings menu with the camera settings highlighted


Step 3.  Select Formats

the format setting in the camera settings highlighted


Step 4. Select Most compatible. This setting is only on devices running iOS 11 or later.

the selected format being changed to most compatable in the format settings highlighted


Please note: It is recommended by apple to continue to save files under the High Efficiency formats. Make sure to revert back to the High Efficiency setting after capturing or converting the photos you need. Doing this will save storage down the line.

Converting photo formats on iPhone

Step 1.  Navigate to the Files application by going to the iPhone search bar by swiping to the right and searching files

image depicting the file app on iPhone


Step 2.  Navigate to on my iPhone under locations

image depicting the option to view files on your iPhone


Step 3. Create a new folder by holding down in the open area and clicking new folder. Name the folder accordingly.

Image depicting the create a new folder button


Step 4. Navigate back to your photos. Select the photos you want to convert by hitting the select button at the top right of your screen and then tapping on the photos you wish to convert. 

image depicting the select files button in the file app on iPhoneimage depicting selecting multiple files that need to be converted


Step 5. Once you have your photos selected hit the arrow button below.

image depicting the arrow button at the bottom of the screen


Step 6. Select the copy photos button.

image depicting the copy photos button in the menu


Step 7. After you copy the photos then navigate back to your folder that you created earlier and hold down in the open space and select paste.

image depicting copying those photos into the folder created ealier


Step 8. Once the photos are pasted they should be converted to JPEG, PNG or another compatible format. You can now transfer the photos from this folder to other devices.

image depicting the files copied into the new folder with the new file format



Article ID: 136334
Wed 10/20/21 10:43 AM
Fri 11/5/21 2:29 PM