Maximizing Your Internet Connection

Due to the increased number of people and students working and learning from off-site, Penn College faculty, staff, and students not at campus may encounter slower internet speeds based on their location, internet plans and connectivity (wired or wireless).  

Slow speeds may be attributed to increased network usage in your home, neighborhood or general internet congestion. The speed you experience may vary by location, time of day and types of usage at home.  

Below are some best practices for optimizing your network experience:  

  • The more devices that are sharing your home connection at the same time, the slower your connection will appear. Consider prioritizing usage within your household based on need.  

  • E-sports and video gaming consume large amounts of network bandwidth. Limit gaming to non-work/school hours to maximize your online experience.  

  • Keep open applications on your computer to a minimum. Although not currently in use, open programs may be using bandwidth in the background.  

  • When possible, access College resources during non-peak times. Generally late at night or early in the morning internet access speeds will be faster.  

  • Streaming video services consume the most bandwidth. Sites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney, YouTube and others place a large demand on your network connection’s ability to transfer data.  

  • Check the Madigan libraries hours to look for open computer lab hours or to access the College’s WiFi. The College has multiple, redundant high-speed connection to the Internet that contribute to a good networking experience.  


Article ID: 102240
Thu 3/19/20 6:51 PM
Wed 7/28/21 11:00 AM