This Article should help you add or edit your alternate voice mail greetings so you can activate them when on vacation or you are out of the office for extended periods of time.
Step 1. Login to Unity
Browse to https://unity-1.pct.edu/inbox/ and login with your employee username and password.
Click on Settings from the menu at top.

Step 2. Browse to Greetings
Click on Greetings > View Greetings.

Click on Alternate.

Step 3. Record New Greeting Settings
- Choose an appropriate "Status", such as "Enabled until:".
- Choose an appropriate End date and time.
Callers Hear
Select the "My Personal Recording" radio button from the "Callers Hear" category. You can choose to record your greeting from your computer microphone or your phone. The "PC icon next to the white circle" button toggles to switch to the phone option.
Other options
- System Default Greeting: Use this radio button if you want to go back to the system default greeting.
- None: Use this radio button if you do not want any greeting.

Computer Microphone Recording Option
- With the PC icon selected, select the black, round Record button.
- Begin speaking and note the movement in the audio progress bar.
- Select the gray square to stop the recording.
- Test your recorded greeting by selecting the Play button, a right-pointing black arrow. Note that you can adjust the volume by dragging the slider volume control.

Phone Recording Option
- With the Phone icon selected, select the Record button to initiate a call to your phone.
- Answer the phone and begin speaking after you hear a beep. If prompted, login to Unity-1 with your PCT username and password. Note the movement in the audio progress bar.
- Stop the recording by selecting the gray square or the End Call button on your phone.
- Click the Play button to preview your new greeting.
Callers See
These options are not required.
Verify and Save
Your options should look similar to the image below.
Click the Save button to save and enable your new greeting.

Step 4. View Greetings
Verify your greeting was added, enabled, and when it will end.