How to See If PO Lines have been Received and Invoiced

  1. In Procurement and sourcing, select “Purchase order” and then “All Purchase orders”.
  2. If you need to add “Orderer” column, to only pull up your POs, please see separate instructions in Anthology FHP Teams.
  3. Click on the PO you want to look at.
  4. In top ribbon, click on “General”, and under “Related information”, click on “Line quantity”:

An image of the General tab for a Purchase order with arrows pointing to General, Related information, and Line quantity

  1. You will get a quick summary of Line Quantities: ordered, invoiced, invoice remaining, received, and deliver remainder.
  2. In this example, nothing has been received or invoiced yet:

An image of the "Line quantity" screen with arrows pointing to "Invoiced" and "Received"

  1. In this blanket order example, Line 1 shows out of $250 ordered and received, only $192.95 was invoiced, leaving $57.05 left to be invoiced. On Line 2, out of $500 ordered, $364.78 was received, leaving $135.22 is still available on this line to spend and the full amount that was received was also invoiced:

Image showing an order example with arrows pointing to the Quantity, Invoiced, Invoice remainder, Received, and Sum for each of those columns


  1. Ideally, the following “Sums” at the bottom should “equal”: Quantity = Invoiced = Received with a zero Deliver remainder
  2. If you do not have “Sum” at bottom, right-click at the column name (Quantity), select “View column totals” and then “Sum”