When you create a new blanket purchase order (BPO), please have the total dollar amount of the order be at least 75% (or more) of what you are budgeting for the fiscal year.
- This will minimize the number of revisions the BPO will need.
- This will eliminate some confusion when entering receivers.
Creating a new Blanket Purchase Order:
Use the same instructions for a regular purchase order, with the following exceptions:
- Use “Pick up” for both “Delivery address” and “Delivery terms” (unless this is tied to a service contract, then it would be the service location and “VE” for vendor).
- Use the last day of the fiscal year (06/30/2025) as the “Requested receipt date” or the last day of the “new” contract period if it is tied to a contract.
- Enter the total dollar amount in the “Quantity” field.
- Enter “1” in the “Unit price” field.
- Enter “BPO” in the “Unit” field (this will allow the Quantity and Unit price fields to “flip” when the PO confirmation is emailed to the vendor and allow you to enter multiple receivers based on the price of the invoice.
- BPO line description should be something similar to “New blanket purchase order to cover type of expenses for your department to be picked up on an as needed basis for the 7/01/2024 – 6/30/2025 fiscal year. This replaces blanket purchase order #PO-00XXXX.
- Some BPOs will have more than one line: reference what is “different” at the beginning of the description. For example:
i. Line 1: “Blanket order for Men’s Soccer: to cover the cost of supplies needed for the fall season, to be picked up on an as needed basis, for the 7/01/2024 – 6/30/2025 fiscal year.
ii. Line 2: “Blanket order for Women’s Soccer: to cover the cost of supplies needed for the fall season, to be picked up on an as needed basis, for the 7/01/2024 – 6/30/2025 fiscal year.
**The system does not allow any changes to the quantity or unit price of a line after the line has receivers entered against it. If you need more money added to the Blanket Purchase Order, you will need to add a new line on the BPO.
Adding Money to a Blanket Purchase Order:
Select the Blanket Purchase Order you need to add money to.
Click on “Purchase order” at top ribbon then select “Request change” under “Maintain”:
- You may need to click on the “Refresh” icon at the top right so the BPO goes back into “Draft” mode.
- Click on “Edit” at top ribbon (to the left of “New”).
- Go down to “Purchase order lines” section, highlight your current line (if multiple lines on BPO, highlight the last line) then click on “+Add line” to add an additional line.
i. If your original BPO had only one “description”, the description of the additional line can be: “Revised Blanket Order on 8-4-2024 to add money to cover the additional cost of above.”
ii. If your original BPO had multiple lines/descriptions, the description of the additional line should reference which line it is adding money to: “Revised Blanket Order on 8- 4-2024 to add money to cover the additional costs of Men’s Soccer listed above.
- Click “Save” at top ribbon and click on “Workflow” dropdown arrow and click “Submit” for the PO to go through the workflow for all approvals.
Removing Money from a Blanket Purchase Order
If the Blanket Order is no longer needed, or if you are “done” with one of the lines of the BPO that still has a “deliver remainder”:
i. Email Procurement and they will “cancel” the “deliver remainder” quantity.
1. However, that does not automatically put the amount back into the financial dimension.
ii. Procurement needs to verify with Accounts Payable that all receivers entered for that line have been invoiced, only then can Procurement “Finalize” the line of the BPO that is no longer needed.
Only by Procurement “finalizing” the line will the money be added back into the financial dimension and Procurement can only finalize the line if all receivers on that line have been invoiced.
Anthology does not allow “partial” cancelations of the deliver remainder.
i. If your “deliver remainder” quantity is 500, but you only need that line to remain “open” for 100, Procurement would need to follow steps of 3a above and cancel the whole 500 and then add an additional line on the BPO for the 100.
Receiving Instructions for a Multiple Line Blanket Purchase Order
- If your blanket order has only one line, you can use the same receiving instructions as a regular purchase order.
- If your blanket order has multiple lines due to additional money being added for the same description and PO has Line 1 with 50 deliver remainder and you just added Line 2 for 500:
i. Example #1: Your receiver/invoice amount is 30. When you generate your product receiver:
a. You would change Line 1 “Quantity” field to 30 (TAB so the “Deliver remainder” field changes to 20).
b. Then you MUST EITHER: highlight and delete Line 2 OR change the “Quantity” field of Line 2 to 0.
c. Your “Quantity” net sum should equal the amount of your invoice, 30.
ii. Example #2: Your receiver/invoice amount is 150. When you generate your product receiver:
a. You would leave Line #1 “Quantity” field as 500
b. You would change Line #2 “Quantity” field from 500 to 100 (TAB so the “Deliver remainder” field changes to 400).
c. Your “Quantity” net sum should equal the amount of your invoice, 150.