Anthology Student for Faculty

With the launch of Anthology Student on May 20, 2024 faculty will access information via the new Faculty Portal.

If you'd like to learn more about Anthology Student in general, please check out Anthology Academy. Anthology Academy is Anthology's on-demand learning system where you can learn more about all of the Anthology products, including Student. 

Please note: The images below are screenshots from Penn College's test environment using test data. More information will be provided here and through additional Knowledge Base articles available via the link and search bar above.

Anthology Faculty Portal Landing Page

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)This is the Faculty Portal landing page. The classes tile cycles through active courses and gives easy access to the class displayed. Tasks have not been created at this point but as we continue to develop processes in the system, activities may appear.

The links below will take you to a screenshot and details about that menu option.

Campus Info My Profile Contact Manager My Students My Classes
Course Schedule Staff Information Contact Manager Student Information Class Schedule
Faculty Directory     Student Schedule Gradebook
Course Catalog     Degree Audit  
      Contact History  
      Student Groups  
      Student Unofficial Transcript  
  • Campus Info

Course Schedule

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Course Schedule is the equivalent to the EIS/SIS search course offerings.

Faculty Directory

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Faculty Directory searchable by last initial.

Course Catalog

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Course Catalog links to the catalog published on the website.

  • My Profile

Staff Information

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My Information displays contact information. Information is general here at this point and is what is displayed to students. Note we are working on a solution to display office hours here.

  • Contact Manager

Contact Manager

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Contact Manager is what drives the tasks on the Landing Page.

  • My Students

Student Information

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Student information displays demographic and enrollment information. Student information for all advisees and students enrolled in your courses can be viewed.

Student Schedule

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Student Schedule displays schedule information for the student searched.

Degree Audit

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Degree Audit is similar to the Graduation Audit/Student Profile. Courses are broken down by Major and Support courses. Watch here soon for the degree pathway display, this option gives a breakdown of all courses by term. Program options allows faculty/advisors to view hypotheticals for students considering a major change.

Contact History

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Student Contact History shows contact made through Anthology Student to the student.  Some of these are action items and others are notices. Access here is limited to

Student Groups

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Student Groups is for students who fall into a define category.  These can consist of hold grades, registration groups or just general groups like student athletes or veterans.

Student Unofficial Transcript

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Student Unofficial Transcript allows faculty to view the student’s unofficial transcript. The transcript has been redesigned so expect a different view.

  • My Classes

Class Schedule

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Class Schedule shows a list of courses the faculty member is teaching for the semester in list and calendar form.


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Gradebook is where Attendance, Midterm and Final grades are posted. The attendance feature will be embedded in PLATO but can be accessed here also. Attendance options are absent, excused and present. Midterm grades will be posted as A, B, C, D and F.   Final grades will also be posted as A, B, C, D and F (courses approved through curriculum to post Pass/Fail will use P/F). System will show other grade options but no other grade should be used.

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Article ID: 151277
Wed 5/8/24 11:45 AM
Fri 7/26/24 12:01 AM