With the launch of Anthology Student on May 20, 2024 students will access their information via the new Student Portal.
If you'd like to learn more about Anthology Student in general, please check out Anthology Academy. Anthology Academy is Anthology's on-demand learning system where you can learn more about all of the Anthology products, including Student.
Please note: The images below are screenshots from Penn College's test environment using test data. More information will be provided here and through additional Knowledge Base articles available via the link and search bar above.
Anthology Student Portal Landing Page
This is the Landing Page. Each tile has a summary, most with links to more information elsewhere in the Student Portal.
The links below will take you to a screenshot and details about that menu option.
Course Schedule
Course Schedule is the equivalent to the EIS/SIS search course offerings.
Faculty Directory
Faculty Directory searchable by last initial.
Course Catalog
Course Catalog links to the catalog published on the website.
This is the online scheduling tool. More information to come on this section.
Unofficial Transcript
Provides Unofficial Transcript PDF.
Degree Audit

Degree Audit is similar to the Graduation Audit/Student Profile. Courses are broken down by Major and Support courses. Program options allows students to view hypotheticals for students considering a major change.
My Class Schedule
Displays student schedule – has ability to import to calendar app and print from this screen.
GPA Calculator

GPA predictor
Degree Pathways

Degree Pathways gives a breakdown of credits required by term. Students and advisors will have the ability to create/adjust the pathway if developmental classes are required or student wants to attend part time.
My Grades
My Grades is a semester based grade report.
Transcript Request
Request an official transcript through the Parchment service.
Link to the P.L.A.T.O. learning management system.
My Calendar
My Calendar is an interactive calendar for students. Note the icons at the bottom that display default information.
My Message Center
My Message Center displays hold groups and important alerts.
My Information
My Information displays demographic information and allows students to update their information.
Campus ESP
Campus ESP will be used for all things FERPA related. More information to come.
Student Accounts Center
Student Accounts Center links to TouchNet for bill payment options.
Financial Aid Overview

Financial Aid Overview displays a summary of financial aid and links to important financial information for students.
Document Center
Document Center will be used in future semester for students who need to submit documentation to the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid or the Bursar.
External Links
Links to meal plan options and legacy SIS for placement testing information.
Residence Life
Residence Life provides a link to Residence Life Housing Information.