Employee Self-service - Bank account information

Tags FHP Payroll

Adding/Editing Bank Account Information in Employee Self Service 

1. Employee Self Service is accessed through Anthology FHP via the Portal Page or directly:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


2. Go to Employee Self Service either by:

     a.) Selecting the module from the Anthology FHP dashboard

Anthology FHP dashboard menu with Employee Self-service highlighted


     b.) Or by the menu bar at the left-hand side of the homepage. Select Workspaces, then select the link for Employee Self Service. 

Screenshot of left menu bar with Workspaces highlighted
3. Click Edit personal details 

Screenshot of Employee Self-Service with 'Edit personal details' highlighted.


4. Select My Payment Method 

Personal Information header with 'My payment method' highlighted

5. Under the payment method drop-down, select Electronic payment

My payment method form with 'Electronic payment' highlighted


 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​6. Click the down arrow to expand My bank information 

My payment method form with down arrow to the right of My bank information highlighted

 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​7. Select +New to add a new bank account

My bank information form header with '+ New' highlighted just below


8. In the account identification field, please enter the account type (CHK or SAV) followed by the last four digits of your account number 

What is your bank account? form with sample account identification of 'CHK1234'


9. Please enter the account type (CHECKING or SAVINGS) in the Bank account name field 

What is your bank account form with sample Bank account name of CHECKING.


10. Identify the bank account type as either Checking or Savings​​​​​​​ 

11. Enter your routing number twice. REMINDER: This is ALWAYS nine digits 

Routing number example 123456789, reenter routing number

Sample check for reference:  Routing number is first 9 digits, Account number is next 10 digits


12. Enter your bank account number 

Bank account number fields, enter twice to confirm


13. If you want a specific amount deposited in this account each pay, enter it in the Amount Field.  

Amount field shown with 0.00


14. If you are using this account to deposit your entire paycheck or the remaining amount of your paycheck, please move the toggle to Yes. 

​​​​​​​15. Click to SAVE and verify your account(s) under My Bank Information. 

My bank information with columns: Account identification (CHK1234), Name (CHECKING), Bank account type (Checking account), Bank account number (5555555555), Amount (0.00), Remainder (Yes), Status (Active)


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to payroll@pct.edu or call ext. 7062 or 7258.

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Anthology FHP (Finance - HR - Payroll) is our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with functionality for finance, accounting, budget planning, human resource management, payroll, and Employee Self-service.