Quiz grades may not show in the course gradebook if the correct options have not been chosen in the Quiz settings or if these options were chosen after students completed the quiz.
Step 1.
Navigate to the Assessment Tab when Editing a Quiz.
Step 2.
Check both of these boxes if they are not already checked:
- Automatic Grade
- Auto Export to Grades
Step 3.
Select the Save and Close button near the bottom of your screen.
Step 4.
Return to Manage Quizzes/Exams
Step 5.
Mouse over the dropdown arrow for the Quiz and select Grade to view student submissions.
Step 6.
Check the Select all Rows button at the far left in the header row of the student submissions table to select all students. If you have more than 20 students you will need to either publish each group of 20 students individually or increase the number of students per page from the drop-down menu at the bottom right.
Step 7
Select the Publish Feedback button directly above the student submissions table. Look at the Status column at the far right of the screen for a Published Date.
Step 8
Confirm that the grade book has been updated with the published grades.