Distributing a Survey in Qualtrics


Surveys that are created in Qualtrics can be distributed in a variety of different ways.



Qualtrics allows surveys to be distributed to the participants by using Email, the Web, Social Media, or Mobile.


Step 1. 

From the opened survey, select the “Distributions” button towards the top of the project.

Image highlighting the Distributions tab within a project

Step 2.

The survey can be distributed using Email, the web, social media, or mobile. If the survey is not activated, distributing the survey will activate it.

Image highlights the survey distribution options

Step 3. 

If the survey was closed or paused, a prompt will pop up asking to resume response collection. Select the “Resume Response Collection” button to reopen and distribute the survey.

Image highlighting the Resume Response Collection button



Article ID: 70986
Mon 1/28/19 12:22 PM
Sat 3/1/25 12:03 AM

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