Using PawPrint on Windows Devices


You can add the Pawprint queue to a Windows computer by navigating to \\ and double clicking the Pawprint queue.



PawPrint is a "print & release" system which allows you to retrieve your printed documents from any PawPrint enabled device on campus by simply swiping your ID card or logging in with your network username and password. You can add the PawPrint queue to a Windows computer by navigating to \\ and double clicking the PawPrint queue.


Step 1. 

Open the Windows File Explorer.

Image of the File Explorer icon in the Windows start menu.

Step 2.

In the URL bar, type \\ Then press enter.

Step 3.

You may receive an authentication prompt. Enter your PCT email address and network password, then click OK.

Image of the Windows Security login prompt.

Step 4.

Locate the PAWPRINT device and double click it.

Step 4.

From any print enabled application, select the PAWPRINT device when printing. The example below shows Microsoft Word.

Step 5.

Your document has now been sent to the PawPrint queue! Go to any PawPrint enabled printer to sign in and release your document. Remember that color prints cost $0.10 but black & white only costs $0.04!



Article ID: 68952
Thu 12/13/18 3:31 PM
Sat 2/8/25 12:00 AM

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This article contains a video demonstrating how to retrieve a document from the Pawprint queue.
This article covers a wide range of frequently asked questions about our print release and quota system, Pawprint. Check the related articles section to see how to setup Pawprint on your personal devices.