Log into
Select the "Waffle" in the upper left corner of the web page
Select "OneDrive"
To restore a file that was overwritten, go to section Recover Modified Files
To recover a file that was deleted, go to section Recover Deleted Files
Recover Modified Files
Locate the file you need to restore. Hover over the file and Select the "three vertical dots".
In the menu, select "Version History". You will not be able to recover the file yourself if you are not the owner of the file. i.e. If the file was shared with you, contact the owner to perform this task.
Select the "three vertical dots" next to the version you want to keep
Select "Restore" to overwrite the current file or Select "Open File" to open the document and save it as a different name.
Recover Deleted Files
Once you are in OneDrive on the web, Click on the "Recycle Bin" on the left
Locate the file(s) or folder(s) you need to recovery and place a check mark next to each. Then select "Restore" at the top of the screen
These process can also be applied to SharePoint Online and Teams Files.
If you need additional assistance with this process, please contact the ITS Service Desk at extension x4848 or 570-329-4922 if off campus.