Overview of the You-Attend Widget



This section will introduce you to the instructor interface which includes:

  • The Attendance Grid
  • Student Detail View
  • Entering Attendance
  • Gradebook Integration
  • Export to Excel
  • Accessing You-Attend Course Settings

If there are no settings saved for the current course the widget will load the Course Settings screen until settings have been saved.

Attendance Grid

Once Course Settings have been saved for the course you will see the Attendance Grid.

Attendance Gird

  1. Students List – The list of students on the course roster. Clicking on a student’s name will take you to the Student’s Details view.
  2. Sessions – This section contains session data, as well as where you will enter and update attendance entries.
  3. Totals – This area gives the total attendance for each student by Attendance Code.
  4. % Attendance – Displays either the student’s countable attendance percentage for the course or for the week if using the Online method. 
  5. Course Settings – Return to the You-Attend course settings to make changes. 
  6. Update Grades – If using the Gradebook integration, this button will run the sync process to recalculate grades and update the Gradebook. 
  7. Export to Excel – Generates an Excel file of all attendance records for the course.

Student Detail View

Clicking on a student name will bring you to the Student Details view. 

Attendance Record

  1. Student Name – The student’s name is displayed at the top of the page. This page is printer friendly, however you may need to use a browser that allows you to print from frames. 
  2. Attendance Code Totals – This column breaks down the student’s entries by Attendance Code. 
  3. Gradebook Settings – If using the Gradebook integration, this column displays the maximum points the grade item is worth as well as the points they can earn per code entry.
  4. Details Table – This table list either a date for each class meeting or if using the Online Entry method, it will list each entry created for a student. The first column lists the date and the day of the week for that entry. 
  5. Status – This column displays the student’s status for each date. If a status has not been entered a dash indicates an entry can be made. 
  6. Notes – This column displays any notes that have been made for the entry. 
  7. IP Address – This column will display the IP address from where the entry was made. 
  8. Attendance Stats – This table breaks down a student’s attendance by day of the week for each Attendance Code. 
  9. Done – Click the “Done” button to return to the Instructor view. 
  10. Add Entry – If using the Online Entry method this button will allow you to make an entry for dates not listed on the Details Table.

Entering Attendance

You can enter attendance from both the Instructor view and the Student Details view. How the grade is entered depends on where you are entering the grade from and your settings in the
You-Attend Course Settings. There are three ways to make an entry: the basic entry method, the simple entry method, and a mark all method. The Instructor view makes use of all three methods while the Student view only uses the basic entry method. We will go over the basic method for both Instructor and Student views first.

Basic Entry

The basic entry displays a pop-up style form to the user.

Enter Attendance screen

  1. Student’s Name – Student’s name is displayed to verify you are updating the correct student.
  2. Status Drop-Down – Select the Attendance Code from the drop-down list. 
  3. Notes – Enter any notes about the entry. Note that students can see what is entered here as well. 
  4. Update Entry – Click the “Update Entry” button to submit the status update. The entry will be recorded and if using the Gradebook integration, the student’s grade will be
  5. Cancel – To cancel an entry click the close button in the upper right corner.

To access the form from the Instructor view, click on a corresponding cell for a student and a date.

Attendance Sessions

The process is similar when in Student view. In the Status column locate the corresponding date and click on the cell.

Attendance Register

If using the Online Entry method, clicking on the “Add Entry” button will open the form with an added Date field so you can add any entries not on the details list.

Enter Attendance Screen

Simple Entry

The simple entry method, when enabled in course settings, replaces the pop-up style form with an inline drop-down list and an “OK” button.

Simple Entry

Select the status and click “Ok” to record the student’s attendance. This entry method is only used on the Instructor view, when Simple Entry Method is enabled in course settings. The basic method will still be used in the Student Details view.

Mark-All Entry

When using Manual or In-Class record types, you will see two icons under the dates in the Session area of the Attendance Grid.

Mark-All Entry

  1. Mark-Absent - Mark all students who do not yet have an entry as Absent. This icon is red with a minus sign. 
  2. Mark-Present – Mark all student who do not yet have an entry as Present. This icon is green with a plus sign.

In-Class and Online Record Types


The In-Class Record Type allows you to shift the work of taking attendance to your students. When using them type and on days your class meets, a PIN will be displayed at the top of the You-Attend widget.

Attendance Pin

Give this PIN to your students and they will enter it into a form that will be shown on their You-Attend widget.

Pin Entry

Once they submit the correct PIN their attendance will be recorded.


The Online type shifts the work off everyone. When using the Online Record Type, the student logging in to the course and waiting for the widget to load will record their attendance as long as a couple of conditions are met:

  • They have not already logged in that day.
  • They have not already reached the Number of Entries Per Week setting.
  • As long as the above conditions are met, they should receive an alert similar to the image shown below.

Pin Success


Setting Up You Attend (Knowledge Base Article)

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Article ID: 84612
Fri 8/9/19 11:49 AM
Fri 2/28/25 12:01 AM

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