Create a Parent/Guest Access Account for SIS


This article details how to create a parent/guest account for access to the SIS.



This article will help you set up a user account for a guest or parent on the SIS.


Step 1.

Log into the SIS.


Step 2.

Click on Miscellaneous Information in the menu bar on the left side of the site.

image of the link to miscellanous information in the menu sidebar

Step 3.

Under Miscellaneous Information, click on Grant Parent/Guest Access.

image of the grant parent/guest access link under the miscellaneous information menu

Step 4.

Click on Proceed to Grant Parent/Guest Access after you have read the terms.

image of the proceed to grant parent/guest access button

Step 5.

Click on Create a New Parent/Guest Account.

image of the create a new parent/guest account button

Step 6.

Fill out the information at the top of the page with what you want the login information for the guest account to be, their first and last name, and their email (optional).

image of the forms to vreate a new guest account

Step 7.

Read through the three different access options for the guest account, find out which one will suit your needs the best

image of the three diffrent access options available

Step 8.

After you have filled out the information, and selected an Access Type, click Add Account at the bottom of the page.

image of the add account button and return to list button

Step 9.

Read through the authorization request, make sure you are okay with the information shown. If you are  check Yes, I agree then click Add Account.

image of the acceptance to the authurazation request feilds



Article ID: 83631
Tue 7/23/19 1:10 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:01 AM