Microsoft Teams Setup for Windows 10


Initial setup of the Microsoft Teams client.



This article covers the initial setup of the Microsoft Teams client.

Microsoft Teams serves two major functions, collaboration and communication. The communication side of Teams functions similar to Skype, with users being able to send private messages or communicate in groups. What sets Teams apart, however, is the robust collaboration tools included, such as tools for sharing files, planning tasks, scheduling and hosting meetings, and much more!

For more advanced instructions on the configuration and use of Teams, we highly suggest the official documentation provided by Microsoft in their Support Center.


Step 1.

Open the official Microsoft Teams website.

Image of the Teams website

Step 2.

In the header, select Download Teams.
You should be redirected to the appropriate download page for your Operating System.

Image of the Teams website header

Step 3.

Download and run the Microsoft Teams installer.
Image of the Teams download prompt

Step 4.

Enter the email address of the account you would like to use for Microsoft Teams.

Image of the Teams sign in page
If prompted, select 'Work or school account'. You will only see this dialog if you have a personal Microsoft account associated with your Penn College email.

Image of the work or school account prompt in Teams
If prompted, sign in with your Penn College email and password. If you do not see this dialog, you were likely just signed in by our Single Sign-in service.

Image of Penn College's single sign on page

You should now have access to Microsoft Teams!

If you would like additional information on Teams, we suggest Microsoft's official documentation.



Article ID: 79570
Tue 6/4/19 1:49 PM
Tue 3/11/25 12:01 AM