Outlook iOS setup


Show the steps to install the Microsoft Outlook app on your phone and access your Penn College email.



The Outlook app is the preferred method of receiving your PCT email on your phone or tablet. Simply install the app and log in with your network account to access your email.


Step 1. 

Install the Microsoft Outlook app from the Apple App Store. Link Below. 


Microsoft outlook Entry in the App Store

Step 2.

Open the Outlook App.  Enter your Penn College email address and click “Add Account

Enter your username at the add account prompt

Step 3.

You will be redirected to a login screen where you will enter your password. Enter your password and click “Sign In”. 

Outlook App password prompt


Step 4.

You will be prompted for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  Open your Microsoft Authenticator app and approve the sign-in request. If you do not have the authenticator app installed, you can enter the code from whichever authentication method you chose when setting up MFA.

Multi-factor Authentication prompt from outlook




Article ID: 78045
Thu 5/9/19 4:42 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:00 AM

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