Installing Adobe Creative Cloud Software


Access to the Adobe Creative Cloud can be requested through the Penn State Software Store. Creative Cloud products include Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat Pro.



Access to the Adobe Creative Cloud can be requested through the Penn State Software Store. Creative Cloud products include Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Pro and a wide assortment of other design and productivity software titles. For a complete listing check Adobe's catalog.

Creative Cloud is currently offered to Penn College students and faculty free of charge. 


Step 1. 

Proceed to the Penn State Software Store. (

Image of Penn State Software Login

Step 2.

you may be prompted to log in with your Penn College credentials and click "Login". 


Step 3.

Once logged in, students should click on the 'Order' button under 'Adobe Creative Cloud Student SP25,' while staff should click on "Adobe Creative Cloud Staff SP25".

Image of Adobe Creative Cloud Product Order

Step 4.


After you've hit "Order". It will take you to a page where you have to check the box for Conduct Statement, and then Check the box for "As a student, I use this software to complete course requirements", and fill in the following two prompts. 

Then Click Order.

Confirm Order of Adobe Creative Cloud Student SP25You have successfully ordered Adobe Creative Cloud Student SP25.


After you've hit "Order". It will take you to a page where you have to check the box for "Conduct Statement", and then the Check Box for "As a staff member, I use this software to complete job tasks". Fill out the prompt for the software need below. 

Then Click Order.

Confirm Order of Adobe Creative Cloud Staff SP25You have successfully ordered Adobe Creative Cloud Staff SP25.

Step 5.

After about up to four hours you should receive a email from "Adobe " letting you know that you now have access to the service and how to proceed further.

Get started with Pro Edition featuring Firefly & Adobe Stock


Step 6.

Once you click "Get Started" it will prompt you to sign in. Sign in with your Penn College credentials. Once you put in your email, it will either redirect you to the Penn College log in page to continue signing in or it will automatically log you in.

Image of Adobe Login


Step 7.

Once you successfully sign in. Click on this link to start the download for the Creative Cloud suite.


Step 8.

Follow the on screen instructions to save your download and open it.

Image of Adobe Download Installer


Step 9.

Once the download is opened, it will prompt you to sign in. Again, sign in with your Penn College credentials.

Image of Creative Cloud Installer Login


Step 10.

Once signed in click on "Start installing".

Image of Start Install Creative Cloud Button


Wait for the install to finish.

Image of Install Calculated Time Remaining


Step 11.

Once the install is finished, you will be shown a list of applications that you can install. The Creative Cloud acts as a hub for all of Adobe's products. Here you will be able to install all of the apps that they offer. To do so, find the app you want, click "Install". After it installs, the button will say "Open" and then you can start using your app.

Image of Creative Cloud App Update


And then you should be good to go!



Article ID: 69132
Mon 12/17/18 4:30 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:00 AM

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