How to Search for Invoices or Payments by Vendor Name


Step-by-step instructions for searching for invoices/payments by Vendor Name.


How to Search for Invoices or Payments by Vendor Name:

A. On the far left side, select “Modules”, then “Accounts payable”, then “Vendors”, and “All vendors”

Image showing Accounts Payable menu with arrows pointing to "Vendors" and "All Vendors"     

B. Make sure you are in “Standard view”, then click on “Name” and search for the Vendor’s name:

Image showing the Standard View for All Vendors with arrows pointing to the filter search and Name

C.       Click on the circle to the left of the vendor account that you want to look at:

Image showing the Standard View for All Vendors with an arrow pointing to a vendor to view

D.      At the top ribbon, make sure “Vendor” is underlined and then go to “Transactions” and select “Transactions”:

***Do NOT click on “Edit” or “Delete” in top ribbon as this will permanently change vendor info or delete vendor from the system

Image of the "Vendor" tab with arrows pointing to Vendor and Transactions

E. This shows all transactions for this vendor: invoices, payments and credits.      

Image showing all transactions for vendor with arrows pointing to List, Header, payments, and Balance

a.       How to understand the first column labeled “Voucher”:

i.      If the Voucher starts with:

a.       API:                        The invoice is NOT linked to a purchase order

b.       APINV:                 The invoice IS linked to a purchase order

c.       APP:                      Payment

a.       If the “Balance” column of the “APP” is zero, payment was made.

b.       For each column: the left-hand side amounts show payments and credits; the right-hand side amounts are show invoices

F.       You can also search

a.       The third column: “Invoice” to search for a particular invoice number

b.       The fourth column: “Description” to search for a purchase order number if invoice had to be processed without being linked to a purchase order

G.      When you find the invoice/voucher you want more information on: select the circle to the left of the “Voucher”, then click on the following tabs in the ribbon just above the “Voucher” to see the following info:

a.       Payment tab: will show the Due date, Payment reference (Check #) and Method of Payment (CHECK or ACH_CCD):

Standard view for Vendor Transactions with arrows to the Due date, Payment reference, and Method of Payment              Standard view for Vendor Transactions with arrow to Method of Payment (ACH_CCD)

*Please note, if the invoice is “not due to be paid yet”, the payment fields would be blank.

b. “Settlement tab: look at the “Last settlement” field to show the actual payment date:      

Image of Standard View of Vendor Transactions with an arrow pointing to the "Last settlement" field

    c. “Remittance tab: to see the remittance address that is attached to the vendor:

     Image of Standard View for Vendor transactions with an arrow pointing to the remittance address 




Article ID: 154209
Fri 11/22/24 4:34 PM
Thu 12/5/24 11:00 AM