How to Search for Invoices or Payments by PO number


Step-by-step instructions for searching for invoices/payments by PO Number.


How to Search for Invoices or Payments by Purchase Order Number:

  1. Go to “All purchase orders” and find the purchase order you want to look at.
  2. At top ribbon, click on “Invoice”, then click on “Invoice” under “Journals” sectionInvoice image with arrows pointing to "Invoice" and "Journals"
  3. This will show all invoices that were processed against this purchase order (“linked”):Image showing all invoices processed against the purchase order.
  4. You can search by Date, Invoice #, Invoice amount etc.
    1. The fourth column labeled “Voucher”:
      1. All of the vouchers shown here will start with “APINV” because all of the invoices were processed through the purchase order (linked). If an invoice was processed separate of the purchase order for some reason, it would not show here. It would only show by looking at the “Vendor Transactions” (see instructions at bottom).
  5. When you find the invoice/voucher that you want more information on, select the circle to the left of the “Purchase order” column and then you have a couple ways to see information:
    1. Click on “Lines” in the top ribbon to quickly see what line(s), quantity and dollar amount this invoice is paying:

Invoice journal image with arrows pointing to the lines tab, Line number quantity, quantity, and dollar amount.

i.      Click on “Overview” to take you back to the list of invoices

b. Click on “Transactions” in the ribbon below “Overview/Lines/Remittance”:      

Invoice journal image with an arrow pointing to transactions

c. Which will take you to this screen:

Image of standard view of transactions

i.      In the ribbon just above “Voucher”, you can click on the following tabs:

1.       Payment tab: will show the Due date, Payment reference (Check #) and Method of Payment (CHECK or ACH_

Standard view for Vendor Transactions with arrows to the Due date, Payment reference, and Method of Payment              Standard view for Vendor Transactions with arrow to Method of Payment (ACH_CCD)

*Please note, if the invoice is “not due to be paid yet”, the payment fields would be blank.

2. “Settlement tab: look at the “Last settlement” field to show the actual payment date:    Image of Standard View of Vendor Transactions with an arrow pointing to the "Last settlement" field

3.“Remittance tab: to see the remittance address that is attached to the vendor:      

Image of Standard View for Vendor transactions with an arrow pointing to the remittance address.



Article ID: 154208
Fri 11/22/24 4:34 PM
Tue 12/10/24 8:40 AM