How to add a line to an existing PO


Step-by-step instructions for adding a line to a PO.


  1. Go into the Purchase Order you want to add a line to Select “Purchase Order” in top ribbon & then select “Request Change” under Maintain (puts PO back to Draft status)Blue Arrows point to the Purchase Order and Request Change options
  2. Once PO is in Draft Status, click on the “Edit” button (it will appear in the top ribbon)

Points to the edit button

  1. Go to “Lines” and then “Purchase order lines”. Before you add line: make sure you are on the last line of the PO and then click on “Add line”. This way, it will add a new line after the last line of the PO (PO numbering will flow correctly).

Points to the Lines and + Add line buttons

  1. After you enter all of the information for the added line(s), go into Header and if a “Note” already exists, please add to it: “Revised PO on date to add lines 6-9”. If Note does not exist, please add Note with that description.
  2. Select “Workflow” and “Submit” PO to the Workflow.
  3. Once the PO is re-approved by the department and Accounting, Procurement will approve, confirm and send revised PO to vendor.



Article ID: 154203
Fri 11/22/24 4:34 PM
Tue 12/10/24 9:36 AM