Adding P.L.A.T.O. HTML Templates



Adding HTML templates to your P.L.A.T.O. course not only makes it more visually appealing, but HTML templates are another method of ensuring accessibility in your course site. NOTE: We'd suggest adding content to the template. Selecting a template after having added the content will replace all of your content.

Custom PCT Branded Template

Step 1.

Download the latest template version at

Step 2.

Go to the course Manage tab and upload the .zip file into the root level of Course Files.

Manage Files highlighted on the menu


Upload button highlighted on the menu along with the root folder


Step 3.

Click the dropdown next to the file and unzip (may take a few minutes!).


Dropdown and unzip buttons highlighted


Step 4.

Go to the Content area and click Settings.

Settings button highlighted


Step 5.

Enable the HTML Templates checkbox.

Enable HTML Templates and Sort HTML Templates by name checkboxes checked


Step 6.

Change the File Path by expanding the Template folder you uploaded and select Pages. Once you have selected Pages, you will need to click on Select Path and Save.

Pages and Select Path button highlighted

Step 7.

To apply the template, go to the Content Area, click the New dropdown, and select Create a File.

New button and Create a File highlighted


Step 8.

Click the Select a Document Template dropdown and select a Template.

Select a Document Template highlighted





Article ID: 145207
Wed 4/12/23 2:02 PM
Tue 3/11/25 12:01 AM