Kaltura: Share and Embed Entries to Third Party Sites


Share and Embed video entries from Kaltura to third party sites, such as the PCT Portal. Steps provided will avoid the return of "No source video was found" error messages during playback.


  1. Login to the KMC and navigate to the Entry page for the media type you wish to share or embed.
  2. Click the Share & Embed link.

    Share and Embed option on a KMC entry page

  3. On the Share & Embed page, select the desired Player type from the pull-down menu and the desired Embed Type under the Advanced Settings section.

    Copy the Embed Code or copy the Standalone Preview link, whichever method is preferred.

    Share and Embed page

    NOTE: For the PCT Portal, choose the "PCT Portal Player" and use "IFrame Embed" code.

  4. Once the video has been properly shared or embedded, the entry must be added to the Unlisted categories on the Entry page.

    Otherwise, if the same entry is added to a MediaSpace category, a "No source video was found" error will be displayed upon playback within the shared or embedded player.

    No source video was found error message

    Add both the D2L > Unlisted and MediaSpace > Unlisted categories to the Categories field.

Category field on the Entry page





Article ID: 136259
Thu 10/14/21 10:06 AM
Fri 2/28/25 12:01 AM