Using Google Scholar


Researching with Google Scholar at Penn College


What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar searches for scholarly articles and books as well as peer-reviewed papers, theses, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from broad areas of research. Google Scholar searches a variety of undisclosed academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities. The full text of many items is freely available online, although in some instances only abstracts with links to pay-per-view document delivery services are available.

Google ScholarTM is a trademark of Google Inc.

How can I get the full text for the articles I find?

Links to Get It @ Madigan show up in Google Scholar search results when you are searching from within the Penn College network (anywhere on campus).

get it @ madigan library

This link will provide information to access the full text or will offer you other options for related library services, such as Interlibrary loan.

View Full Text


How can I use the Get It @ Madigan link if I’m not on campus?

If you are not searching Google Scholar from a computer housed within the Penn College network, such as your home or office, you can still configure your Google Scholar preferences to display Get It @ Madigan links.

Go to Google Scholar and click on Settings.

scholar settings


Click on Library Links on the left and type “Pennsylvania College” into the box next to Find Library. Check the boxes next to PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY – Proquest Fulltext and Pennsylvania College Library – Get It @ Madigan Library.

scholar settings

Click on Save.

I'm trying to view/download a Google Scholar PDF in Google Chrome but it's not working?

When selecting to view/download PDF links in Google Chrome you may run into an issue where nothing occurs or the browser refuses to display the links contents. If you should encounter this issue in Google Chrome you can download the PDF via the following method:

1.) Right-Click on the PDF link that you are trying to access.


2.) Select "Save Link as..." from the menu options.

Select "Save Link As..."

3.) You'll be prompted to select a folder to save the file; select a folder destination (I.E. Desktop, Documents, Downloads...) and click "Save". You'll then be presented with the following error from the Google Chrome browser.

A discard window will display where downloads typically do in Chrome.

4.) Click on the "^" Icon and select "Keep".

Do not select Discard, select the ^ symbol and select "Keep" from the menu

5.) This will download the file to your selected folder location.

Why am I being asked to pay to access a full-text article after I set my preferences?

Some of the links in Google Scholar do not have the Get It @ Madigan link, even after you’ve set the preference. Many of these links will lead to full text articles located at publishers’ pay- per-view web sites. Penn College students, faculty and staff do not need to pay for access to most of these items. You can use our Interlibrary Loan services to request a copy of the item for free.

I’m not finding what I need. Where else can I search for online full-text documents?

Try using Madigan Library’s WorldCat search to look for resources. Select one of the subject categories on the right-side navigation and check the databases you’d like to use to limit your search. Or, search individual databases by choosing from our Databases A-Z page.

I’m still having trouble finding what I need. Where can I get more help?

If you need assistance with your research you can get research help from one of our librarians via text, telephone or email. You can also try one of our online research guides.



Article ID: 134672
Thu 7/22/21 10:40 AM
Sat 2/8/25 12:02 AM