Creating a 10-Day Attendance Intelligent Agent



This tutorial will show you how to create an Intelligent Agent in P.L.A.T.O. to identify students who have not logged into the course in 10 days. This agent can be used to identify students not in compliance with attendance requirements for Federal Student Aid. 


Step 1.

Open the Course Administration page for the course site. Select Intelligent Agents under the heading Communication

Course Administration page


Step 2.

Click on New to create a new intelligent agent. 

Agent List


Step 3.

  • Set "14 Day Notification" as the Agent Name.
  • Set the status to Agent is enabled,
  • Select Take action when the following course activity is satisfied. 
  • Insert "10" in User has not accessed the course in the last ____ day(s).

New Agent

Step 4.

  • Select Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent's criteria are satisfied for a user.
  • Check Send an email when the criteria are satisfied
  • Add {InitiatingUser} in To:
  • Include a subject and a message.

14 Day setup


Step 5.

Check Use Schedule, then click Update Schedule

Set Schedule


Step 6.

  • Set Repeats to Daily
  • Set Repeats Every to "1" days
  • Click Update


Step 7.

Click Save and Close

Example Text


My records indicate that you have not accessed our P.L.A.T.O. course site in the last 10 days (Last Access Date - {LastCourseAccessDate}). This may be because you have already completed the current Module's activities or it could be that you are having some trouble and require assistance. If it is the latter, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me, so that we can get you back on track.

Accessing the course is a component of your Attendance/Participation grade. Let me know how I can help you succeed.



Article ID: 130497
Wed 3/17/21 1:34 PM
Sat 3/1/25 12:03 AM