Combined MFA and SSPR


Microsoft has combined the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) and Multi-Factor Authentication registration process. This provides one spot for changing security information.


Microsoft has recently combined the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) registration process. This document provides details to help users register and update their security information. 

Here is the list of authentication methods and what they can be used for:

Authentication Methods
Microsoft Authenticator App - Notification MFA and SSPR
Microsoft Authenticator App - Code MFA and SSPR
OATH Hardware Token MFA and SSPR
SMS (Text Message) MFA and SSPR
Voice Call MFA and SSPR
Email SSPR

New users

On initial sign-in, new users will be forced through a password reset process. 

Go to Enter the credentials provided to you. 

Login Page

You will be prompted to change your password.  

Initial Password Change

Sign in with your new password

Login page

We require you to provide a phone number and alternate email address to verify who you are. Click Next.

More information Required

To setup the Smart Phone app, Download the “Microsoft Authenticator” Application on your smart phone. Once installed, Click Next on the web page and follow the directions.

Microsoft Authenticator App Setup

Setup a phone number. Enter a phone number and select Text or Call.  This phone number can be a cell phone or a home phone.  Keep in mind that you will need to be able to receive a call or text message to authenticate your login.

Phone Authentication Setup

When you click Next, you will receive a call or text message.  If you receive a text message, enter the code on this screen. Click Next.

Phone authentication verification

Once the login is authenticated, click done.

Registration is complete

These are the minimum methods required.  Please add additional authentication methods to your account once you are logged into your account.

To modify your security settings: 

Log into, go to the upper right corner, click on the circle with your initials and click “View Account”.   Or directly by going to the URL:

View Account

Select “Security Info” on the left

Security Info on left nav bar

From this screen you can Add or Modify all your authentication methods.

Security info authentication methods as described below


Available Authentication Methods

Authenticator App – If you have multiple devices, you can add up to five of these devices. Code or push notification

Phone – Text code or Voice call confirmation

Alternate Phone – Voice call confirmation

Email – Code. Used for password resets only.

To change the Default sign-in method

Click “Change

Change Default Sign-In Method

Select the method you want to use as default. The other methods are still available in case you do not have access to the default method.

Also note that you will be prompted every 180 days to validate your authentication methods are correct.

Pennsylvania College of Technogy's ITS department encourages the use of the “Microsoft Authenticator – Notification” method. This will simplify the process by sending a notification on your device with an Accept or Deny button.

Authenticator App Notification

The Microsoft Authenticator App will prompt for your approval, Click Approve if you were trying to sign in, or Deny if you were not.  

Approve sign-in?






Article ID: 130303
Tue 3/16/21 8:37 AM
Mon 2/17/25 12:00 AM

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