Splashtop Remote Lab Service


Describes how to gain access to Penn College computer labs remotely using Splashtop


Installation (Windows)

Step 1.

Download "Splashtop Business Access" Installer from https://www.splashtop.com/downloadstart?product=stb&platform=windows-client.

Step 2.

Launch the downloaded installer, The install will run automatically and if installed successfully you should be met with the following message:

Splashtop successful install message.

Installation (MacOS)

Step 1. 

Download "Splashtop Business Access" Installer from https://www.splashtop.com/downloadstart?product=stb&platform=mac-client.

Step 2.

Open the .dmg file that you just downloaded. Inside, you will find a file called "Splashtop Business.pkg." Open this file.

Splashtop Installer File

Step 3.

Once the installer has launched, click "Continue" in the bottom right.

Splashtop installer welcome screen

Step 4. 

On the next screen, click "Install" in the bottom right.

Splashtop installer install screen

Step 5.

If the installation was successful, you should have a screen that says "The installation was completed successfully." You can now click "Close" in the bottom right.

Splashtop installer successful install

Login to Splashtop

Step 1.

Launch the "Splashtop Business" application

Step 2.

Once the application is loaded, select "Single Sign-On login" near the bottom.

Splashtop Single Sign-On

Step 3.

Enter your PCT email address and select "Log In."

Splashtop Single Sign-On

Step 4.

If presented with a "How do you want to open this?" window, you can select your web browser of choice and click "OK."

Splashtop login how do you want to open this

Step 5.

You should now be presented with a PCT login page. Go ahead and log in using your PCT email and password.

Splashtop PCT login

Step 6.

If logged in successfully, you should be met with a "You have successfully logged in" message. At this point, you can return to the Splashtop application.

Splashtop successful login

Connecting to a PC

Step 1.

Once logged into the Splashtop application, you will see a list of computers that you have access to.

Splashtop PC List

Step 2.

You can connect to a PC from the list by either double-clicking or selecting the "Connect" icon on the right hand side.

Splashtop PC List Connect Button

Step 3.

Once connected, you will be presented with a "Remote Login" window. You can log in to this using your PCT username and password.

Splashtop Remote Login

Step 4.

After you have logged in you will be brought the the windows login screen. You can either login here normally, or select the login option at the bottom of the screen to login using the credentials you entered in the previous step.

Splashtop Windows Login Screen

Step 5.

Once finished, you can disconnect either by clicking the disconnect button or closing the window. If you don't logout before disconnecting, your account will be logged out 30 seconds after disconnecting.

Splashtop Disconnect Button



Article ID: 121356
Tue 12/1/20 10:12 AM
Sat 3/1/25 12:03 AM