Sync File from Microsoft Teams or SharePoint Online


How to sync Teams Files and SharePoint document libraries with your computer using OneDrive Sync


How to sync files from Microsoft Teams to Computer

Verify that you have OneDrive running on computer. Look for the blue cloud icon in the Taskbar

Windows Taskbar

In Microsoft Teams,

Step 1: navigate to the Team and Channel

Step 2: Select “Files” at the top

Step 3: Select “Open in SharePoint

Teams - Steps 1, 2, 3

In a web browser

You should see the files that were in Teams.

If you only need to sync one channel, continue with Step 4,

If you need to sync all the channels, Click on "Documents"  More details can be found in section  "To Sync all channels in one Team" below

Step 4: Click on “Sync

Click Sync Button

Step 5: in the popup box, Click “Sync Now

Step 5 - Click "Sync Now"

You may receive a warning like the following, Put a checkmark in the box and click “Open

One Drive Warning

In the Taskbar you will see a status box like this.

OneDrive Status

Now your files will be available in File Explorer under the “Pennsylvania College of Technology” group.  File can be managed and will sync to the cloud.

File Explorer Showing Sync'ed files


To Sync all channels in one Team

Step 1: Perform above steps 1, 2,and 3 to get to the SharePoint site

Step 2: Click on “Documents” to move up one level

Click on Documents in the center panel to move up one level

Step 3: Click on “Sync

Click Sync

Step 4: Click “Sync Now

The Channels will show up as folders

File Explorer All Channels sync'ed

Special considerations:

  • Files placed in the root of this folder will not show up in Teams. They will only show up in SharePoint or in the One Drive Sync’ed folder.
  • Private Channels will need to be Sync’ed separately as they are their own SharePoint site.

Remove a folder that was Sync’ed

From the Taskbar, Right Click on the Blue OneDrive Cloud icon

Step 1: From the Taskbar, Right Click the Blue OneDrive Cloud icon

Taskbar - OneDrive icon

Step 2: Click “Settings

OneDrive Settings

Step 3: On the Accounts Tab, Find the folder you wish to stop sync’ing and click “Stop Sync

OneDrive Stop Sync

Step 4: Click “Stop Sync”.  This warning informs you that if any file were stored locally, they will remain on the computer.  The files that were cloud only will be removed from this computer. They will remain in Teams/SharePoint

OneDrive Stop Sync notification

Step 5: To clean up local files, navigate to the Sync’ed folder in File Explorer, right click on the folder that the sync was stopped on and select “Delete

Delete old folder from computer


One Drive - Icon Meanings

Icon - On

OneDrive - Icon - Green Checkmark open

OneDrive - Icons - Green checkmark solid

OneDrive - Icons - Cloud with person


Taskbar Icons – Blue is for Work/School, Gray is for Personal

OneDrive - Taskbar Icons

OneDrive - Taskbar Icons with Warning

OneDrive - Taskbar icons with syncing



Article ID: 120264
Thu 11/12/20 2:14 PM
Thu 2/20/25 12:01 AM