Dell Laptop Microphone Volume


There is apparently an issue with some Dell Latitude laptops (currently the 3510's we just started installing) where the user's microphone volume with the built in mic is unacceptably low while on Team calls.  The built in mic seems to work fine with other video conferencing programs, and using a headset or web cam with its own mic bypasses the issue.  As of now, updated sound drivers do not resolve the issue.  Here is a registry fix for the Latitude 3410's that is working on the 3510's.


1. Open Regedit.

2. Browse to the following registry key:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318

3. There will be multiple folders in here named with numbers; 0000, 0001, 0002, etc.  Click into each one, there will be one with a reg key named "Driver" and the value "IntcDMic.sys".

4. When you find the one that contains "IntcDMic.sys", expand the folder structure and browse to "Global Settings\Device0".

5. In Device0, look for a key named "Gain".  Double-click it or Right-click and choose Modify, then change the value to "a0000" (without the quotation marks).

6. If there is no key called Gain, Right-click in the window, go to New, and choose DWORD (32-bit).  Edit the new value so Value Name = Gain, and Value Data = a0000

7. Click OK, close Registry Editor, and reboot the computer.



Article ID: 119619
Tue 11/3/20 11:17 AM
Sat 3/1/25 12:03 AM