Can't View Portal Using Chrome


This article walks through how to fix the error issue with logging into the mypct portal.



This article will walk you through fixing the error encountered when using myPCT and the newest Chrome update.



Step 1.

In an open Chrome browser, click More (the three dots) in the top right, go to help, and click on 'About Chrome.'


Image depicting directions to navigate to about chrome in settings

Step 2.

Make sure Chrome is up to date.

If it is not, it should start updating automatically when you reach this page. Once the update is done re-launch chrome.


Image showing chrome being up to date


Step 3.

In the address bar go to the site 'chrome://flags.' This should bring up a settings page.


Image depicting the first view of the chrome flags settings page


Step 4.

In the search bar at the top of the page search for 'same site'

This should bring up two settings.


Image depicting the two settings brought up when searching same site in the flags page


Step 5.

Set both "SameSite by default cookies" and "Cookies without SameSite must be secure" to "Disabled."


Image depicitng both "SameSite by default cookies" and "Cookies without SameSite must be secure" set to "Disabled."


Step 6.

In the bottom right of chrome should be a 'Relaunch' button, click that to save the changed settings.

The error on the portal page should be fixed.


Image depicting the popup to relaunch Chrome after changing settings



Article ID: 112808
Wed 7/29/20 9:59 AM
Fri 2/28/25 12:00 AM