In the event of a publishing error, it may be necessary to locate the local .mp4 file created by the Capture Client Software. On a Mac, these video files are saved within the Library folder.
Step 1.
On the menu bar for Finder, click Go > Go to Folder...
Step 2.
Paste the following file path into the Go to Folder dialog box, then click "Go."
/Users/amiller2/Library/Application Support/Desire2Learn/Capture/playlists/offline/
Step 3.
Locate the appropriate record folder based on date and time.
Step 4.
Locate the recording.mp4 file(s) within the subfolders. The MP4 Video file will most likely be in the "0" folder.
Step 5.
Upload the recording.mp4 file(s) using the Upload Video function within Capture Central.