Choosing a P.L.A.T.O. Grade Scheme


Instructors can choose a grading scheme for a P.L.A.T.O. course site from among those made available by Educational & Emerging Technologies.  An instructor can create a custom scheme, but it will only be available within that course site.



Instructors can choose a grading scheme for a P.L.A.T.O. course site from among those made available by Educational & Emerging Technologies.  An instructor can create a custom scheme, but it will only be available within that course site.  Submit a ticket to request a new scheme.


Step 1. 

Navigate to Grades in a P.L.A.T.O. course site and select Schemes from the menu, as highlighted in the screen capture below.

Select Gradebook Schemes

Step 2. 

Review the available schemes and select the name of a scheme to preview it. The Common  Grading Scheme is shown below.

Preview of Common Grading Scheme

Step 3. 

Select the checkmark of the scheme that best fits your course as the Default Grade Scheme.

Step 4. 

Confirm that you want to select the chosen Grading Scheme as the default grade scheme for this course.  View the grade book to see the changes.



Article ID: 105178
Mon 4/13/20 12:36 PM
Wed 2/19/25 12:01 AM