Below, you will find some recommended settings for securing your Zoom Meetings. It is not necessary to apply all the Settings options below, but rather consider the options that might work best for you and not present unnecessary barriers to your students.
Whether using a Zoom ‘Basic’ or ‘Pro’ (Licensed) account, the following recommended settings are present in both. The following illustrations are done with a Zoom Basic account and are configured by going to, logging in to your account, and accessing the ‘Settings’ area.
Require a Password
When using your personal ‘Join URL’, consider requiring a password. Set both the “Require a password when scheduling new meetings” and “Require a password for instant meetings” options to ‘On’ (pictured below).

To address users who may be joining by phone (dial-in), set “Require password for participants joining by phone” to 'on' as well (pictured below).

Finalize Your Settings in the Zoom App
Go to the ‘Meetings’ area on the left navigation bar, select ‘Personal Meeting Room’, and click on the ‘Start Meeting’ button in the upper-right corner. Launch the Zoom application on your device to review the Settings that you have applied. You should see something like this...

Click on the “Meetings” icon on the top navigation bar to review your settings and make any final adjustments (pictured below).

Click the “Edit” button, put a check in the box for “Require meeting password” and enter the desired password. You can include this in your meeting invitation to your students (Join URL and Password), changing it periodically (or per meeting), if that is desired. Also, an extra measure is to check the “Enable waiting room” box under “Advanced Options” for an extra measure of control. Be sure to click the ‘Save’ button when you are finished (pictured below).

When hosting a Zoom Meeting through the Client application, Zoom also provides some 'in meeting' controls through the 'Security' icon on your toolbar (pictured below). In addition to the measures above, you should launch the 'Manage Participants' panel to see a list of who is in the waiting room and who is entering the meeting space. Once you are satisfied that all your participants have entered the meeting, you can use the 'Lock Meeting' function to prevent others from entering.

This article captures the essential settings to add some level of security and control to your Zoom Meetings virtual environment. These are also good measures to apply in order to reduce the incidence of a 'Zoom-Bomb' attack.